Motivation & Objective

In the Real Estate (RE) industry, pricing is generally done by experts, considering the asset's features, the current market conditions, and sometimes the financial and time constraints relative to the RE project. These constraints can be bank loan repayment debts, and/or deadlines to entirely sell a property (e.g. all units of a building). This project aims at getting rid of the biases introduced by realtors and at fully taking into account the financial and time constraints, as well as the current inventory in the pricing process. It also aims at making pricing dynamic: reeavaluating assets prices under current inventory and satisfaction of the financial constraints.

The project's scope extends from sales and listings data scraping, to devising the pricing algorithm and testing it in a simulation environment.


There are multiple building blocks to this project:


Putting everything together, given information on a building and its units layout, it is possible to build an algorithm that prices monthly every building's unit. The simulation environment allows to compare a static pricing strategy to the Dynamic Pricing algorithm.

More thorough explanation and visualizations can be found in the summary slides (cf. link at the top of the page).
